Age: no answer
Occupation: Owner of a jewelry business
Family: Husband, one child
Residency: Has lived in Castle Pines for 15 months
Political experience: Served on year as city clerk before being appointed to city council in August, has experience working as a federal reserve bank examiner, worked on committee to elect trustees to the Douglas County Library district, works on safety task force at daughter’s school
Education: Bachelor’s degrees in finance and economics
Why she’s running: Edwards said she wants to continue her work in the community and wants to continue to be a voice for the people.
She said she runs her jewelry business from home and that has allowed her to work with her local school and be active in the community. She said she thinks the community runs very efficiently and that Castle Pines is a wonderful community.
She said her work on the school task force has helped create traffic efficiencies throughout the city to make it safe for kids and parents. She’s also been trying to get parents at neighborhood schools to come to different city council events. She said it’s also necessary for council to make the people aware of what goes into maintaining the infrastructure and getting renewable water.
She said her opponent, Roger Addlesperger, is simply posting flyers around neighborhoods while she is going door to door and talking to residents.
“I’m a very faithful person and I just think that my family and God is on my side, and if you run an honest campaign and give people the facts, they’re going to elect the people who best represent the community,” Edwards said.